Kaasaskantav kohviveski
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Kaasaskantav kohviveski CG-01A

Product Size: Φ76 x 228 mm
USB Rechargeable (type C)
Baterry: 3.7V, 1500mAh
Motor: 3.7V, 60rpm
Double layer s/s 304 coffee cup,
scald-proof and thermal insulaton
Adjust the grinding degree freely
Built-in ceramic conical burr design
Parts removable structure, easy to clean
One-click grinding
Max coffee bean loading capacity: 13.5g
Coffee cup capacity: 350ml
Share cup capacity: 150ml
Standard package including:1. Cup Cover (Triton) 2. Grinding Head 3. Coffee Bean Container (AS + Ceramic) 4. Filter (Triton + S/S 304)5. Coffee Cup (Double layers S/S 304)

Kaasaskantavad kohviveskid: Jahvatage värske kohv teel olles

Chenghe portable coffee grinders offer a convenient way to enjoy freshly ground coffee, whether you’re traveling, camping, or simply want to brew a cup at home. These compact devices are designed to be easy to carry and use, making them ideal for coffee enthusiasts who appreciate the taste of freshly ground beans.

Kaasaskantavate kohviveskite peamised omadused:

  • Kompaktne suurus: Kaasaskantavad kohviveskid on väikesed ja kerged, mistõttu neid on lihtne kotti või seljakotti paigutada.
  • Laetav aku: Paljud kaasaskantavad lihvijad töötavad akudega, mistõttu ei ole vaja kasutada juhtmeid.
  • Reguleeritavad lihvimisseaded: Enamik kaasaskantavaid jahvatusseadmeid võimaldab teil reguleerida jahvatuse suurust vastavalt teie eelistatud valmistamismeetodile.
  • Vastupidav konstruktsioon: Kaasaskantavad kohviveskid on tavaliselt valmistatud vastupidavatest materjalidest, et nad peaksid vastu karmile käitlemisele.
  • Lihtne puhastada: Need lihvijad on mõeldud lihtsaks puhastamiseks ja hooldamiseks.
Kaasaskantav kohviveski CG-01A
Kaasaskantav kohviveski CG-01A
Kaasaskantav kohviveski CG-01A
Kaasaskantav kohviveski CG-01A
Kaasaskantav kohviveski CG-01A
Kaasaskantav kohviveski CG-01A
Kaasaskantav kohviveski CG-01A
Kaasaskantav kohviveski CG-01A

Benefits of Using a Portable Coffee Grinder:

  • Freshly Ground Coffee: Enjoy the superior flavor and aroma of freshly ground coffee.
  • Customization: Adjust the grind size to match your preferred brewing method.
  • Portability: Take your coffee grinder with you wherever you go.
  • Convenience: Grind coffee beans on demand without the need for a bulky grinder.

When choosing a portable coffee grinder, consider the following factors:

  • Grind Settings: Ensure the grinder offers a variety of grind settings to suit different brewing methods.
  • Battery Life: If you choose a battery-powered grinder, consider the battery life and charging time.
  • Durability: Look for a grinder made from durable materials that can withstand regular use.
  • Ease of Cleaning: A grinder that is easy to clean and maintain will save you time and effort.


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